
Archive for July 12, 2008

Life Purpose

July 12, 2008 Leave a comment

Tried this one:

  1. Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type (I prefer the latter because it’s faster).
  2. Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?”
  3. Write an answer (any answer) that pops into your head. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. A short phrase is fine.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.

These were the results:

“What is my true purpose in life?”


1.      To be free.

2.      To be at peace.

3.      To love everyone.

4.      To be me.

5.      To love everyone.

6.      To love everything.

7.      To be me.

8.      To give.

9.      To connect.

10.  To feel.

11.  To be true.

12.  To be me.

13.  To be wealthy.

14.  To be physically fit.

15.  To be spiritually pure.

16.  To be abundant.

17.  To share abundance.

18.  To feel.

19.  To give.

20.  To add value.

21.  To make a difference to others.

22.  To add value to others.

23.  To make a difference.

24.  To leave a legacy.

25.  To make a difference.

26.  To be true.

27.  To not lie.

28.  To be honest.

29.  To be pure.

30.  To be who I am supposed to be.

31.  To be real.

32.  To try.

33.  To give.

34.  To make a difference.

35.  To smile.

36.  To share jot and laughter.

37.  To care.

38.  To do something different.

39.  To feel.

40.  To not resist.

41.  To share abundance.

42.  To vibrate peace, love, joy and harmony.

43.  To travel and visit new places.

44.  To educate.

45.  To make change subtly.

46.  To go where no one as gone before.

47.  To make a difference.

48.  To feel.

49.  To lighten up.

50.  To not take life too serious.

51.  To be light.

52.  To be joy.

53.  To be happiness.

54.  To vibrate joy, love, peace and happiness.

55.  To be clear.

56.  To be happy.

57.  To be at peace.

58.  To be me.

59.  To be at peace.

60.  To live at source.

61.  To smile.

62.  To be happy in my own skin.

63.  To be one with myself.

64.  To be a human being experiencing the human experience.

65.  To be at peace.

66.  To lose weight.

67.  To be happy.

68.  To be peaceful.

69.  To be joyful.

70.  To love others.

71.  To spread love, joy and happiness.

72.  To give in.

73.  To stop playing mind games.

74.  To feel.

75.  To facilitate change through energy work.

76.  To be a chi master.

77.  To bathe in life.

78.  To bathe in energy.

79.  To be open to receive like the Christ.

80.  To manifest.

81.  To bring down light raise my vibration transmute the darkness into light.

82.  To be happy.

83.  To feel.

84.  To be at peace.

85.  To cry.

86.  To release.

87.  To be me.

88.  To let all the sadness go.

89.  To be joy and happiness.

90.  To be me.

91.  To make a difference.

92.  To kneel down before the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and be knighted with a sword of light.

93.  To roll down a hill with the playfulness of a child.

94.  To be me.

95.  To radiate love light joy and happiness to all.

96.  To be me.

97.  To be at peace in all the chaos.

98.  To not be in fear.

99.  To not be fearful.

100.          To be free.

101.          To be a hobo.

102.          To be a traveller.

103.          To be a journeyman.

104.          To travel.

105.          To explore.

106.          To visit places.

107.          To meet new people.

108.          To experience different cultures.

109.          To connect with new cultures.

110.          To forget the materialistic way.

111.          To trust.

112.          To be in flow.

113.          To be happy.

114.          To not fear.

115.          To be successful.

116.          To not fear failing.

117.          To give.

118.          To bathe in the nature of the beauty of the universe and all its light and abundance and purity and energy and warmth and glow.

119.          To be slim.

120.          To be me.

121.          To be who I am.

122.          To be pure.

123.          To be naked.

124.          To be exposed.

125.          To be able to transmute darkness into light in peoples sadness and fears and guilts and sins.

126.          To be able to take people to source.

127.          To be a creative manifester.

128.          To be a magician.

129.          To be a healer.

130.          To be a wizard.

131.          To be clear.

132.          To be a happy smiling contented individual part of the human experience.

133.          To live.

134.          To know.

135.          To will.

136.          To dare.

137.          To be silent.

138.          To be a visionary.

139.          To show humility.

140.          To show integrity.

141.          To be honest.

142.          To be truthful.

143.          To be happy.

144.          To be at peace.

145.          To have joy in my life.

146.          To be able to tell the voice in my head to shut the f**k up and have it happen.

147.          To connect.

148.          To love.

149.          To be free.

150.          To be light.

151.          To be joy.

152.          To be happiness.

153.          To be the best that I can be.

154.          To be the best I can be at all times and with all people.

155.          To care for others.

156.          To have time for others.

157.          To let others shine.

158.          To let others grow.

159.          To let others fly and soar like an eagle.

160.          To laugh.

161.          To smile.

162.          To spread joy, happiness, love, laughter and peace.

163.          To be able to tell people it’s OK to screw up and to be you.

164.          To be free.

165.          To be able to connect with others.

166.          To be able to laugh with others.

167.          To be able to have fun with others.

168.          To be able to laugh with others.

169.          To be able to have fun with others.

170.          To be able to experience the lightness of life with others. There does not need to be sorrow.

171.          To be able to experience the vibration of love, joy, happiness, fun with everyone and everything.

172.          To show that life does not need to be serious.

173.          To be able to take away the pain that is brought about by fears, conditioning, beliefs, values etc and let people to be able to soar like unencumbered eagles.

174.          To show people the light.

175.          To be able to show people the reality that is brought about by fears, guilts, beliefs, values etc.

176.          To be able to show people that life is light, joy, peace, fun and happiness.

177.          To be able to say to people it’s OK.

178.          To spread love, fun, joy, laughter to allow people to break the shackles of fear, guilt, beliefs, values, conditioning that are stopping them from fulfilling their true potential.

179.          To vibrate love, light, fun, joy and happiness.

180.          To simply be who I am supposed to be and to contribute to others to allow them to grow unencumbered.

181.          To show people that to is all a mirage and that behind it all is joy, fun, light, joy and abundance.

182.          To ignite the spark that is in all of us to allow the god light in everyone to shine forth to transmute all a persons fears to allow them to soar unencumbered.

183.          To be able with virtually no intervention to be able to create the space and time to the divine spark that is within al of us to shine forth and dissolve all fears and baggage that a person has to be able to show them that it is all OK and not be to be afraid of the light and that they should grab life with both hands and shake the very vibration of the universe to manifest what their hearts truly desire.

184.          To share knowledge, skills, experiences, techniques and strategies to be able to allow 183 to be realised.

185.          To allow source to work through me.

186.          To never give in.

187.          To continue when the going gets tough.

188.          To go beyond what is expected.

189.          To never fall away in fear.

190.          To breakthrough.

191.          To be a shining example of how to do it.

192.          To not be in fear.

193.          To never be angry.

194.          To never be in rage.

195.          To never resent.

196.          To never judge.

197.          To allow people to be who they need to be.

198.          To be able to facilitate change if it is needed.

199.          To be true to my soul purpose.

200.          To act as a propulsion source to facilitate change.

201.          To be a visionary.

202.          To be an avatar.

203.          To have no ego.

204.          To not need to be in control.

205.          To be me.

206.          To be who I need to be.

207.          To have fun.

208.          To not be serious.

209.          To be fun.

210.          To be joy.

211.          To be happiness.

212.          To be contented.

213.          To be content in my own skin.

214.          To not take life too seriously.

215.          To spread joy, fun, happiness, light, love and life to others.

216.          To show that all the serious things are just that and of a time past. Lightness is needed. The time of seriousness is over. Rules, belief systems, values, judgements are of a bygone age. The vibrations of the time ahead is knowing, light, no-judgement, acceptance.

217.          To anchor in the change.

218.          To show that past things needed to be respected but a new aeon of different vibrations is here and upon us.

219.          To act as a catalyst for the change in vibration.

220.          To be present in life for people as a guide on the path to show the lightness to bring souls out of the darkness of the lower vibration.

221.          To be a guide. To bring people back to the light from the darkness.

222.          To show people the way to go home.

223.          To be a beacon of light.

224.          To be a lighthouse, a beacon of light.

225.          To be a light bearer for people on the path.

226.          To give love, light , joy, lightness to souls that need it. To show them the way home.

227.          To be a beacon of light.

228.          To be a lighthouse of light.

229.          To illuminate the path.

230.          To illuminate the path and make it very wide.

231.          To bring in light.

232.          To radiate light.

233.          To spin light.

234.          To act as a vortex of light.

235.          To spin the light as a double-helix of light.

236.          To vibrate light, love to all like a tornado.

237.          To be light.

238.          To be love.

239.          To be joy.

240.          To be happiness.

241.          To be a catalyst for change.

242.          Your true purpose in life is as follows: To be you and only you. To be comfortable with who you are. To be clear and free from any doubt, worry, fear, sin or guilt whether imposed by others or self so that you can act as a light bearer for others to allow them to transmute and fears, doubts, beliefs, values that they may have and to be a guide, mentor, coach for them as they move towards the light in the time that is ahead of us all so that they can then become part of the greater family of life in the cosmos and not live in fear from the shadow that has been placed over mankind’s eyes by the dark lords for far ,far, far too long.

243.          So mote it be.

244.          So it is done.

245.          Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


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